In 2019, I decided to build a virtual world in Unity as my final project for a communication class I was taking. I chose to combine the skills I'd learned in class with a tool I was trying to learn on the side, a narrative language called Ink. This project was mostly me trying to learn both Unity and Ink at once, trying things until my vision came together. What I ended up with was an interactive world where the user's movements and choices impact the story. The story itself isn't too complex-- I admit, it's not the most thrilling conversation, but I hope to combine what I learned here with some real writing in the future. 

I hope you enjoy C o n v e r s a t i o n  C u b e, an interactive conversational agent.

Controls: Use WASD or arrow keys to move, mouse to select dialogue options. Please stay close to the cube while clicking on a dialogue option.

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